My GF sent me a message last month expressing her hurt and heartbreak over a guy she'd been seeing. Apparently, they'd been "dating" off and on for a period of 5 + years and recently had started seeing more of each other when BOOM! He starts hitting her with this half-ass, indecisiveness that many men come with when faced with the decision of monogamy. Here is my response to her email...
No matter HOW perfect you are or how much you do to SHOW a man that you want him, UNLESS he is READY TO SETTLE DOWN, it is all for naught. I often discuss this with my male friends and 100% of them have agreed and admitted to dating at least one woman who was perfect in every desirable aspect... good credit, attractive, good career, God-fearing, educated, sweet, respectable, loyal, loving, good sex, etc... you name it, she's got it. BUT for them, its like, they think they have time. And until they finally decide that they want to be monogamous and have a long-term relationship, they keep on doing them. Women are just the opposite. We find a good catch and settle down. THEY decide to settle down, then pick from whatever is most readily available... perfect or not. I'm sorry that you're feeling so shitty about this but during my first impression of him, he didnt strike me as being "good enough" for you... even on the surface. And the fact that its taken him 5+ years to "try and date you" is more evidence that he aint the MAN you need in your life.
Trust me chica, when a MAN wants something/someone, there is no TRYING involved. He just does it. Impulsively and all. Sucks but its true. He's lame girl. Be glad that you CAN do better because you, my dear, are WORTH so much more than that.
1 comment:
my gma always said.. stupid boys grow to be stupid men.
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