Its been months since my last post here. Actually, I've started an entirely NEW blogspot that CRay and JBiggs and I are SUPPOSED to be tagteaming on, but their sorry tails havent posted there yet. *TSK TSK* That site is primarily for current events and since I'm feeling a bit more inclined to share (as Grandmama would say) "a tee-nanchy bit" of self-revelation. Got a minute? Its good, I promise!
So in my last post, I was sharing that I'd been laid-off from my position w/ Lockton and it really REALLY stung me on all fronts. Even still, I was not dismayed. There's even a line in there where I say something about remembering that everytime something seemingly bad happens, it always ends up being a setup for something "bigger and better". Well, true to form the Lord didnt let me down. For the sake of time, let me just say that I am now with an entirely different company in the financial industry with a GREAT position, a FABULOUS boss who adores me (as much as I adore her), and I'm getting the recognition and opportunities to develop my talents far beyond the opportunities I had with Lockton. All things considered, I am indeed blessed to have the favor that I do and I just had to share that because He deserves the glory (yet again) for bringing me through. The moral to the story? Setbacks are ALWAYS setups for something better. Trust and have faith in His order for your life.
In other news... I've gotten some downright INCREDIBLE collaborations going on with my music. Think classic, Grammy-winning producers that crafted hip-hop into what it is today... think a return to MUSIC... think HIT RECORDS! :-) It seems daily, I find myself slightly frustrated at trying to figure out HOW to meet all my deadlines and still balance my current obligations with work (b/c I enjoy it so much, I've been bringing it home with me the last few weeks) which in turn, cuts back on my studio time considerably... and then I'm in the gym 4 times a week at least so I mean... its a lot. But I'm commited to riding this dream 'til the wheels fall off (and they won't) because I've seen the other side and well... yeah, I have to do it. That being said, Sunday is my only "dont ask for nothing, i'm not doin' nothing" day. I was sharing this calamity with a new friend and he suggested that I focus my energies and not "chase 2 rabbits because I'll end up losing both." Even since he said that, I've been talking to the little bunnies in my life... literally telling them, "Alright Peter, I cant deal with you today because I'm focused on Bugs... I'll be with you shortly..." and so on. So far, so good! I think my problem is being an overachiever. I feel like I have to conquer the world... in a day... alone... blindfolded... with my arms tied behind my back. The cool thing is that in addition to pilates, I'm taking yoga now too and its really been a refreshing practice for me after work. WOOSAAAA.
I apologize for all this personal info but tomorrow I'll be back to business as usual... more posts about general topics. I've actually concluded that its in everyone's best interest if I not divulge any really personal details regarding current/former friendships/relationships on this blog. Its not needed and actually, quite 1990's if you ask me. Plus, no one cares who I am/am not "booing up" with anyway so screw it.
Before I leave tho, I have to say that I've had a JAMMIN' afternoon and even found myself doing the New Edition 2-step (HARD) while driving home today as listened to "If It Isn't Love". For those that havent seen the (timeless) video where they're sportin curls, skinny jeans and stirrup pants, click here. Do yourself a favor and download this if you don't already have it.
Thanks to everyone whose been checking on me and reminding me to start back posting.
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